Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Going to the vet!

We have been using the World's Best Cat Litter now for a week. I think it is working pretty well. I know Nemo is using it but I never see Patches in the litterbox. We still have another litter box with the regular litter in it. We were happy that not only are we using a cat litter that isn't full of chemicals, it is also made in Iowa, where we live. That makes us happy.

In other news, it looks like Nemo needs to go back to the vet. His eye is getting all read and goopy again. We battle this every year it seems like. We are also going to see what the vet says about Nemo's weight. Mom is concerned, Nemo has been on the diet of dry food but continues to eat wet food and other food but he looks so thin. We are going to see what the vet says.


The Creek Cats said...

So glad you're enjoying your WBCL!!
Sorry to hear about Nemo's eye and weight! We sure hope he gets a good report from the vet and starts putting on a little weight!

The Island Cats said...

We hope everything is okay with Nemo!!

Unknown said...

We are sendin' many an' many purrs fur good news from the dog-tor. It is always very skeery when weight is lost.