I've been peeing on things. I know I'm not supposed to but I am not happy with that Owen being here. Just when they think they have me figured out and solved I pee on something new. Most of my peeing is in Owen's room so I'm not allowed to go in there anymore which stinks because he has a window with a view. When it was cold I snuggled with mom. She rolls around too much and then I have to wake her again with my whiskers so she can lift the blanket so I can get situated. It has been nice lately so we got to go outside. I like to walk around all over but Nemo just wants to sit in the dirt. We don't get out often because it is a lot of work with the kid there. My brother got sick and I mean really sick but he is all better now so he is back to trying to eat my food.

So guys, I got sick. I ate and then I puked and puked and puked all over the house I felt miserable. My people kept offering food and I didn't want to see it at all. There was all this worry about my insulin and that my sugars would be too high or too low. Then I peed on my foot. I still made it to the litter box so I don't know why they complain so much but it was embarrassing to have a stinky foot. Mom kept saying I smelled funny but dad didn't think so. They called the vet anyway so I got to go see all the ladies there. Of course I wouldn't eat for them at first, gotta make them work for their money. They stole my blood and my sugars were high but nothing else so they gave me some fluids and by the time my people got off work, I was all better and eating again. I got something with ketones in my body and I was sick but better now. I just needed some extra pampering and attention is all. That Owen kid has been loving on me. He usually pets nice but he scares me sometimes so I tend to hide under the train table. He likes to tell me I'm soft and give me kisses. He is alright and sometimes he even drops food. Not much has happened other than that excitement. Hopefully we can get on the computer more and see our friends. Hope you are all still there.
Welcome back! We're so glad to hear from you!! Now, Patches, you gotta stop peeing on stuff. It really makes the humans cranky and it really doesn't solve anything. And Nemo, we're sorry you were so sick. We're glad you are doing better now!
Glad to see you back! We are glad you are feeling better again Nemo.
Glad you got to start blogging again. Nemo we are sorry you were sick, we hopes you are all better now.
Happy Birthday Patches.
Happy Birthday sweet Patches! Hope you are having a fun filled day and letting the humans spoil you more than usual!!! Wishing you many years of birthdays!
We stopped by to wish Patches a Happy Birthday! Hope you all are well!
Happy Birthday, Patches.
Nice to see you two back, but sorry you were ill, Nemo.
Hmmm, you have the dreaded evil word verification on, which many bloggers have trouble deciphering. Blogger does a good job of filtering spam before it gets posted, so it really isn't necessary. Would you consider turning it off?
Happy Birthday Patches!!!
Luf, Us
Happy Birthday Patches!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Birthday Patches and many, many, many mooooore!!!
((((hugggssss)))))) from your TX furiends,
Happy birthday Patches! :)
Happy Birthday Nemo!
Happy Birthday Nemo!
The Florida Furkids
Happy birthday, Nemo!
We are just so happy to have you back!!! We hope Nemo and Patches had wonderful birthdays and they got plenty of goodies from their big day. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals
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