Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mrowin Christmas

Mrow, my nose hurts. Mew famahly went norf for teh Holerdayz and becuz I mrow so much un the Kar they thought I would be butter in a carrer. Wellz I jus got so mrowin worked upz that I smooshed muz noze against the carrier an kut it up ruel bad zoz they had to let me oot so I could purrs on my momz lap. I shoez them whoz puttin whoz in a carrer.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I used to do that in the carrier too, but last time I was better. Hope your nose soon heals.

Jans Funny Farm said...

You sure don't like to ride in a carrier, do you! Hope you had a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year.